What is the role of a Strategic Growth Advisor?

Our SGAs support your portfolio companies by acting as quarterbacks, providing continuous, timely support when and where strategic resources are needed most

Our promise

BSG Growth and our team of Strategic Growth Advisors (SGAs) are dedicated to the long-term success of each of your portfolio companies.

The BSG Growth platform provides our advisors with instant access to critical business and data analytic resources—as well as industry and functional experts—as needed and on-demand.


We provide an integrated resources team

BSG Growth will support the strategic growth of your portfolio companies with our highly experienced Senior Growth Advisors throughout the lifecycle.

  1. Our senior advisors provide expert leadership and continuity with investment professionals and portfolio company management.

  2. Growth strategy is reviewed, revised, and turned into detailed action plans.

  3. Our senior advisors stay engaged through plan execution, evaluating progress, identifying developing issues, and recommending targeted efforts to accelerate growth.

  4. Project staff and industry experts are onboarded as needed to implement tasks and maintain efficiency.

  5. SGA compensation is linked to value creation. Incentives are aligned across the board.

A simplified example

Imagine your portfolio includes two companies

The first company suffers from slowing growth and needs strategic acceleration. The second company has a solid investment thesis but lacks a coherent growth strategy. Our Strategic Growth Advisor will monitor, advise, and collaborate with both companies and their stakeholders throughout the lifecycle.

The SGA's role 

Throughout this time period, the Strategic Growth Advisor allocates resources and expertise as needed for both companies. The SGA will:

  • Tailor process to each company and situation

  • Advise management team on industry, market and competitive dynamics/developments

  • Direct growth and project teams when engaged

  • Gain counsel from BSG Growth Platform experts

  • Implement strategic management system (SMS) and monitors issues and performance factors

In the “Company A” example, the SGA initially addresses:

Growth Strategy Development

  • Collaborates with management and leads an expert team to develop a transformational growth strategy and action plan

  • Adds team resources and external support as needed, then removes them when appropriate

…then tackles other priorities:

Go To Market Plan

  • After a period of strategy socialization, SGA selects and leads resources in developing an actionable GTM plan for company functions and Line of Business

Functional Improvement

  • SGA works with company and monitors performance for improvement opportunities

  • SGA leads select resources to lead a targeted effort to improve commercial effectiveness

In the “Company B” example, the SGA tackles other issues:

Growth Strategy & Plan

  • Structures process for fact-based, decision-making on strategic choices and growth priorities

  • Directs an expert team in creating the appropriate level of detailed strategy and operating plan

Add-on acquisition

  • Advises on strategic fit and direct commercial diligence team as needed for add-on acquisitions

The Big Picture

During the life cycle of a portfolio company, the SGA assumes varying roles to offer ongoing support and operating resources  

  • Maintains advisory relationship with management teams and related investment team members

  • Implements elements of strategic management system as needed and monitors value creation progress

  • Reviews potential market / industry / company disruptive events and potential impact on business plans

  • Discusses need for focused project activity with management teams as appropriate

  • Gains agreement on scope, process, and goals of projects; and engages and supervises project teams as they proceed

  • Brings the BSG Growth Talent + Toolkit for use across the whole portfolio

The BSG Platform

We offer a comprehensive platform of Strategic Operating Platform Resources

  • SGA partner network

    • All expert in strategic growth

    • Expertise in various industries and markets

    • Internal and external functional experts for core business process functions

  • Project teams

    • Experience project leader expert in strategic growth

    • Experienced consulting associates and researchers

  • Platform includes access to broader network of market and functional specialists

Learn more

How can BSG Growth support your Center of Excellence?

Contact us to discuss how our fully tailored approach can help your team systematically spur and maintain strategic growth for each of your portfolio companies.


Have questions? Let’s talk.